October 31 - Mary’s Peak & Yachats

Kathleen Terner Mary's Peak
Kathleen Terner covered bridge
Kathleen Terner Yachats

Life just gets better and better! Had a fantastic day ride to Yachats and back. Unbelievable! Grant Myers and Mike Webb led us South, first to the beautiful Ritner Creek covered bridge, then up a twisty road to Mary’s Peak. Stunning views of the Oregon Mountain range from the top. Then on to Yachats to eat at Luna Sea Fish House. Outstanding halibut fish and chips in the sun outside with a view of the coast. Then circled around the Newport harbor on our way North afterwards. Leo Guzman Fernandez’s awesome headlights lit up the whole highway for us on the way home in the dark. To top it all off? As we were heading East on 205 at the end, a large yellow full moon lit up the sky with clouds drifting past. A perfect Halloween Night treat.


November 8 - White Salmon, WA


October 25 - Oakridge & Westfir