October 25 - Oakridge & Westfir

Kathleen Terner in Oakridge
Kathleen Terner in Oakridge
Kathleen Terner in Oakridge

What a glorious, glorious day! Leo Guzman Fernandez led Grant Myers and I down to visit Gene Lord and celebrate his successful kidney transplant. We took back roads south through Coburg and Eugene and then back roads north through Stayton and oregon city, about 350 miles. The air was cool and crisp (started out around 39 degrees) so I wore my winter gear AND had my electric jacket on. Going south we passed so many beautiful farms with green grass sparkling and waving in the sun. Passed several covered bridges, gorgeous rivers, beautiful fall leaves, and a few really awesome big dips in the road. So much color everywhere. The burger and fries at Stewart’s 58 diner were divine. Life is so good!


October 31 - Mary’s Peak & Yachats


October 17 - Larch Mountain & Seaside