July 7: Lovely along Lake Geneva

Most of my free time today was spent lingering along lovely Lake Geneva. After a great lunch on the shores of Rolle, I walked along the waters edge from Morges towards Lausanne, admiring the colorful flowers, boats of all shapes and sizes, and swans galore.

I felt so fortunate to spend this morning with my grandmother before heading off to lunch with family friends at their private golf club along the lake near Rolle, Switzerland. We ordered a delicacy from the region called “Filets de Perche,” a delicious dish of crispy fried fish served along with a buttery sauce and cream that my grandmother and I often enjoyed.

From there we drove closer to the city center so I could walk along the promenade near the lake, as Grannie and I did starting when I was as young as five years old. She used to patiently hold my hand while I walked on top of the large rocks lining the water, watched the swans, and fed bread to the ducks. I looked for the rusty old swing set that was situated near the water for many years but alas it is there no more.

After being dropped off back in Morges, I walked from there north towards Lausanne, enjoying the colorful award-winning flower displays, myriad types of watercrafts moored along the lake’s edge, and all kinds of ducks and swans swimming in the water and bobbing for food.

Returning to my grandmother’s home to feed her dinner, I spent the evening with her and did a little trip planning while she rested. It’s so good to be reconnecting with my roots.



July 8: Day of Delightful Delicacies


July 6: Swiss Sound of Music