July 21 - Tail of the Dragon

Lodging: Robbinsville, NC

Kathleen Terner Tail of the Dragon
Kathleen Terner Deal's Gap Resort
Kathleen Terner Tail of the Dragon
Kathleen Terner Tail of the Dragon

Woohoo! I slayed the dragon. 😀 Today I was fortunate enough to ride Dragon’s Tail - over 300 curves in 11 miles. It was forecasted to rain with thunder and lightening but there was a break in the weather so I went for it - with soggy gloves and socks. I felt like a kid at Christmas. The thing that was so cool is that it not only curved left and right but also up and down and sideways. So it really felt like a roller coaster. I was here five years ago on the back of a bike and loved it. But never in my wildest dreams did I think five years later I would not only know how to ride a bike but also have my own and successfully do Dragon’s Tail with it. The picture of me standing in front of my bike on the road is after I did the ride one time (I did it twice). Note the sign in the back that says “motorcycles: high crash area next 11 miles.” This part of the country is so beautiful. I would really like to stay longer. But it is forecasted to thunder and lightening for 10 straight days. I will probably get another fun ride in tomorrow but then head west to find clear skies. Had a delightful burger and salad at Tapoco Tavern on the river and am heading back to the motel.


July 22 - Cherohala Skyway


July 20 - Blue Ridge Parkway