July 22 - Cherohala Skyway

Lodging: Monterey, TN

Kathleen Terner Cherohala Skyway
Kathleen Terner Cherohala Skyway
Kathleen Terner Cherohala Skyway
Kathleen Terner Tellico Grains Bakery

I am in love with Tennessee! What an amazing place to drive. Today was so fun I almost couldn’t believe it. I left North Carolina by way of the Cherohala Parkway. The road runs along the top of a ridge with spectacular views on both sides. The thing that was so cool was the road was in such great condition that you could stay in 5th or 6th gear the whole time even though there were curves here, there, and everywhere. It was like skiing on butter. I also found an unexpected treasure. At one of my stops there were several blue butterflies dancing. As if that wasn’t enough, I found one of the best bakeries ever at the end of the parkway - Tellico Grains Bakery. The owner was also named Kathleen and kept joking I could stay as long as I wanted. The food was so good I had to buy four things - pizza, cheesecake, a cookie, and granola. Then I took all back roads heading West. More beautiful farmland. I have to say I feel so blessed. Some of you who know more about my situation know that the two and a half years before this March were extraordinarily challenging on several levels. I wasn’t sure if I would ever be able to feel real joy again. I am so grateful to have made it through that valley and to be on the other side. I am so appreciative for my friends and my faith.


July 24 - Iron Butt™ Ride


July 21 - Tail of the Dragon