July 18 - Washington DC

Lodging: Washington DC

Kathleen Terner Washington DC
Kathleen Terner Wiseguys Pizza
Kathleen Terner Wiseguys Pizza

Having a blast in DC! I am so happy to see my oldest son after months without him. He grilled steaks and vegies for us last night on the rooftop of his building. The colors in the sky were amazing. Can you see the Washington Monument in the background? Today I helped him shop for and install blackout curtains in his apartment. It sure is hot here! About 97 degrees. Thank goodness for air conditioning and Uber. I did try riding an electric scooter but that was not that successful while holding a purse and hoodie. Next I tried an electric bike which was also a little shaky until my son said “Mom, just pretend it’s a motorcycle.” Tonight I had some amazing pizza and garlic rolls from Wiseguy pizza (before and after shots). I am afraid to step on the scale when I get back. 😀


July 20 - Blue Ridge Parkway


July 16 - Washington DC