July 16 - Washington DC

Lodging: Washington DC

Kathleen Terner Washington DC
Kathleen Terner Pennsylvania
Kathleen Terner Pennsylvania
Kathleen Terner Pennsylvania

I am so blessed! Tonight I got to see my oldest son for the first time in over six months. Woohoo! He lives in Washington DC and due to COVID, neither of us felt comfortable traveling by airplane. My desire to see Ethan Terner has been one of the primary motivators for my cross country trip. I mean, if a plane doesn’t work, why not take a bike? I arrived a day early because I just couldn’t wait any longer to see him. We got in a great walking tour including a wonderful view of the Capitol building then dined on Five Guys from his rooftop patio. The drive here from Niagara Falls was stunning. I had forgotten how very green New York and Pennsylvania were. Vast vistas of endless great trees. Even though the temperature was over 90 degrees the wind was blessedly cool. I also took my bike in to be serviced. Originally I was going to treat myself to a massage after my endurance ride but I decided my bike needed some pampering more than I did. The best part (other than the fact the service was on sale)? Leaving the bike at the dealership saved enough money on parking to cover another night in the hotel and the Uber ride here. God is good!


July 18 - Washington DC


July 14 - Niagara Falls