June 1: Treasured Trip with My Baby

Today’s ride to Goldendale along the Columbia River Gorge and then back along the Klickitat River was somewhat bittersweet. As I swooped alongside the water’s edge admiring one beautiful vista after another, I tried to take in every moment, knowing it would be almost three months before I would have the opportunity to ride My Baby again.

Heading north and then east along highway 14 on the Washington side of the Columbia River this morning, my heart soared with joy as I barreled down the road in the balmy springtime weather with pockets of blue sky overhead and the snow-capped peak of Mount Hood gleaming above the lush evergreen trees in the foreground.

As I wound my way past Cape Horn, I could see the dark blue river waters reaching out into the horizon, nestled between the rolling green hills on either bank. Cliffs rose up on both sides of me and train tracks lined the shore’s edge as hawks circled in the air. Purple, yellow, and orange wildflowers blew in the wind and kitesurfers skimmed along the top of the water on my right.

Heading north on highway 97 towards Goldendale, wind turbines spun on the rolling honey-colored hills and Mount Adams rose up above the patchwork quilt of farmers fields on my left. I stopped at the Honky Tonk Bar and Grill for a delicious cheeseburger and even more delightful conversation with my best friend Michelle.  

Heading west along highway 142 after lunch, I followed the narrow canyon road down the hillside, leaning into one delightful curve after another with almost no other vehicles in sight. The foliage along the shores of the Klickitat River was bursting with every possible color of green and the gently rolling river sported several boats with fisherman enjoying the warmer Springtime temperatures.

With my daughter arriving for the weekend in just a few days and my flight to Europe for the summer just a week after that, I knew today’s ride would be the last on My Baby for quite some time. I savored each breath of fresh air and the generous abundance of colors around me as I wound my way towards home.


September 2: Idaho - A Weekend with Sisters


May 25: An Invigorating Day