May 25: An Invigorating Day

What an invigorating day! Standing on top of Oregon’s highest coastal peak breathing in the crisp 44-degree mountain air and gazing at the lush green meadows, valleys, and foothills below, I couldn’t decide what was more thrilling – all the day’s river, ocean, and mountain vistas, or the remarkable abundance of satisfying curvy roads I had taken to get there. Read more of the details here.

Heading south from West Linn today I felt like a kid in a candy shop with an unlimited budget. With no appointments to get back for and no other commitments for the day, I decided to treat myself to a little bit of everything Oregon has to offer.

After a fresh, hearty breakfast at the Creswell Bakery, I headed west along territorial road and then highway 126 along the Siuslaw River. Winding my way up and over a variety of mountain passes and through thick groves of evergreen trees, I descended into Florence before heading north on highway 101.

My heart sang with joy at my first glimpse of the glorious Pacific Ocean to my left. With rolling white and brown sand dunes topped by large stalks of grass blowing in the wind, undulating blue and white frothy waves crashing against the jagged rocky shoreline, and seagulls circling in the bright blue sky above me, I breathed in the fresh salty air and thanked God for such a wonderful moment.

Passing Heceta Head and Yachats, I swooped and swirled along one ribbon of curvy road after another as I proceeded north along the coastline, taking in one stunning ocean view after another through the branches of trees along the side of the road.

Heading inland at Waldport along highway 34, I couldn’t believe my good fortune. With almost no traffic on the road, I was able to press into the slew of twists and bends in the road as I followed the Alsea River east. A profusion of bright green deciduous trees created a canopy of shade above, their branches reaching out overhead as the sun filtered down through gaps in the multi-hued leaves.

Just south of Philomath, I headed up Mary’s Peak Road to the overlook at the top. Passing breathtaking views of the rich blue and green layers of valleys and meadows below, I wound my way to the top of the peak, stopping at the parking lot above located at an elevation of over 4000 feet. What a view! A rich band of bright blue sky hovered beneath a cluster of bright white clouds above, highlighting the tops of the evergreen trees and the panoramic view of the foothills below. I feel so truly blessed!


June 1: Treasured Trip with My Baby


May 18: Best of Friends Together Again