April 17 - Coastal Loop with Thor’s Well and a visit from a pod of whales

Kathleen Terner Thor's well.jpeg
Kathleen Terner Creswell bakery with Gene.JPG
Kathleen Terner Creswell bakery with carmen.JPG
Kathleen Terner whale spot.JPG

Every day on the bike is its own unique gift, even when you’re on a ride you’ve been on before! Today I did my Creswell, Florence, Lincoln City and home loop to include Grant Myers and Carmen Guzman Fernandez who missed out the first time. Although the route was predictable the treats were not – a surprise appearance by Gene Lord, a visit to Thor’s Well, and a whale sighting.

I was honored when Leo called me several days ago, asking if I would repeat last weekend’s loop so that his wife could visit the Creswell Bakery along with us. His suggestion was perfect as Grant had also missed last weekend’s trip due to a flat tire.

We took the same backroads from Latus to Creswell through Stayton, Scio, Lebanon, and Brownsville. The bakery was a hit again, with Carmen particularly enjoying the coconut macaroons and Grant dining on the cold roast beef sandwich. I had special ordered my favorite desert (fruit tarts) just to make sure there were some for all of us. Just as we were about to leave, we ran into Gene Lord and couldn’t resist chatting and enjoying the great weather together.

Gene reminded us of an unusual spot on the coast called Thor’s Well. As group leader I suggested we make a last-minute change of plans and stop to visit the spot. What a treasure! Located just south of Yachats, the feature, also known as the drainpipe of the Pacific, is a hole in the rocks that appears to drain water from the ocean. The area is surrounded by rocks and tidepools and ocean water spraying in all directions. We got some great pictures from the walkway above, rather than venturing down below and risking being swept out with the tide.

We headed north to Otter Crest Loop and this time managed to pull over just when a pod of whales was swimming by. I doubt we would have noticed them, but a gentleman who had spent two years building the bridge nearby just happened to be visiting with his wife. They both showed us where to look for the spouts of air and water being blown out of the whale blowholes. It was absolutely delightful to bask in the sun, gaze out at the ocean, and see the spurts of water created by the whales.

We ate dinner at Autobahn 101 – a burger and German food dining establishment in Lincoln City. I love trying local eateries with unique menus. This one just happened to have one of the best burgers I can every remember eating – the patty was made with beef, pork, sausage, and spices and was incredibly most, soft, and flavorful. I ordered it with cold German Potato salad that was also exceptional.

Overall an amazing day thanks to great riding partners, tips from other bikers, and insight from locals!


April 18 - Klickitat and Glenwood


April 16 - Backroads to Astoria