June 07: Scarier than the Dalton

Just a few days ago, I would have said that riding the Dalton Highway was the scariest thing I ever did. All of that changed last Friday after school when my cancer doctor called to tell me I had several tumors in my brain that could be cancerous. To be honest, receiving a similar call three and a half years ago when my throat cancer was discovered was one call too many in my lifetime. But to get a second call just two weeks before leaving on my summer adventure with my bike already in Portland Maine ready to be loaded on the ship to Iceland was rather daunting. The last several days have been a whirlwind, with four MRIs, one PET scan, and two CT scans of my brain and other body parts.

The good news is that I met with my cancer doctor this morning and he said the tumors look benign and that he anticipates we will just need to monitor them for now. He recommended I go on my summer trip and check in with the neurosurgeon before I leave. I will be meeting with the neurosurgeon next Friday and am hoping to receive his blessings. The shipping company needed to know by 1pm today whether to load my bike so I gave them the go ahead. I am hoping to be reunited with my Adventure Baby shortly, even more grateful to be alive than I was just last week.

I am so grateful to my family, friends, and coworkers who rallied around me. My children encouraged and affirmed me, had boba tea delivered, and sent me a priceless card. My mother immediately stepped up to the plate, advising me and accompanying me to all my appointments. Co-workers at the high school taught my classes and tutored my students. Friends prayed and came alongside me. The shipping company made special arrangements, making it possible for me to have extra time to decide on loading the bike. I don’t know all that the future will bring, but I can say that I have a heightened awareness of the blessing that each day brings as well as a sharper perspective on what is important in life. I hope to be sharing many positive adventures with all of you soon.


June 10: Choosing Joy in the Cascades


May 27: Fun in the Sun, Oregon Style