June 10: Choosing Joy in the Cascades

What an amazing day on the bike! My summer plans are up in the air as I wait on pins and needles to find out from the neurosurgeon whether I can join my Adventure Baby as planned in Iceland in ten days. It has been challenging to maintain a positive mental outlook with such uncertainty, but I made a deliberate decision to choose to be joyful today, regardless of what tomorrow may bring.

I have been hoping to ride the Cascade Scenic Highway for almost a year. Rated one of the top motorcycle rides in the country because of its sweeping turns and stunning mountain views, this 66-mile stretch of road south of Bend, Oregon is only open a few weeks during summer due to the thick snowpack normally covering the route. My good friends and I had planned to ride this byway last weekend. But I ended up spending the day in the hospital getting MRIs of my spine and brain instead.

This week has been stressful to say the least, after discovering the tumors and waiting to find out whether the neurosurgeon wants to operate. It would have been easy to stay at home to rest and mope. However, I’m choosing to look at these tumors as a very real reminder to live each day to the fullest. Regardless of what will end up happening over the next couple weeks, I decided I wanted to spend today riding my bike through the mountains and appreciating God’s beautiful creation. I’m so glad I did!

After taking a delightful route on highway 22 east filled with mountain and valley views, evergreen trees, and sparkling blue waters, I stopped in Bend at my favorite eatery there, Jackson’s Corner, for some mouthwatering Huevos Rancheros. Layered on three chili dipped crispy corn tortillas, this dish includes locally made chorizo sausage, organic black beans, cotija cheese, and house-made fermented jalapeno sauce. Although I was completely stuffed two-thirds of the way through I couldn’t resist polishing off every bite.

Just a few minutes after finishing my delicious meal I made my way to Century Drive and then the Cascade Lakes Scenic Byway where I was greeted with one stunning mountain view after another. As the road climbed up in elevation to Mount Bachelor the air became crisp and cold, and snow began to appear on the side of the road. The dirt on the side of the route turned a deep red, adding color to the already beautiful palette of deep blue skies, dark green evergreen trees, and black craggy mountains with bright white snowcaps.

After passing Mount Bachelor I was greeted by South Sister and Broken Top, nestled next to each other, and spanning for miles into the horizon. With all the snowpack still on their tops and sides and plenty of snow covering the fields at their base, it was hard to remember it was summer. I laughed with joy as the mountains towered over me and I swooped through the curves, marveling at the incongruity of such a delightful winter wonderland in mid-June.  

Just a few miles down the road I passed Elk Lake and gasped in amazement at the bright green waters framed by both dark green evergreen trees and generous helpings of snowpack. Where but in Oregon would you find outdoor enthusiasts paddle boarding on such a beautiful lake with snow still on the edges?

I decided to spend most of my ride just soaking in the beauty of one lake and mountain view after another, both along the scenic byway and on my route home on highway 97north through the Mount Hood National Forest. I only took a few pictures and instead focused on the view, thoughts of gratitude, and singing praise songs. I am so grateful for today!


August 26: Back on the Baby!


June 07: Scarier than the Dalton