September 21: Refreshing River Ride

What an exhilarating ride! After a rather exhausting week, there’s nothing quite like the feel of the cool, crisp air whipping off the walls of the Columbia River Gorge to lift my spirits, not to mention the restorative power of time in the saddle to bring everything back into perspective.

Heading east on highway 14 along the northern edge of the Columbia River this morning, I took in the views of the verdant hilly areas on both sides of the beautiful blue body of water, the lush light green grass and darker evergreen trees thriving after the recent few days of rain.

With sunny skies and little traffic, I was able to swoop along the edges of the riverbank, taking in the spectacular contrasts of the changing landscape as I headed east. Excited about the opportunity to speak to my fellow female riders at the Women’s International Motorcycle Association meeting later tonight, I reflected on how best to convey what I hoped would be words of inspiration.

As I neared Goldendale, the grass around me turned yellow and the foothills varied shades of brown, with rippling layers of honey-colored plateaus and dark brown rocky cliffs rising to my left and right. Barreling through tunnels and riding alongside trains, I reflected on how fortunate I was to feel the sun on my back and the cool wind in my face.

Turning north on highway 97, I headed into Goldendale, stopping to take a picture of Mount Adams in the distance, with green and brown fields in the foreground. Red barns and supply sheds dotted the patchwork quilt-colored farmlands and trucks bearing supplies headed into town.

Arriving in Goldendale, I was honored to have the opportunity to spend time with the daughter of a dear friend who is working through some of the same challenges I faced several years ago. I am so grateful to have made it through such a difficult time in the past and am so encouraged by this young woman’s bravery. Life is not always easy, but I am so glad that we can rely on our friends and our faith.

I returned home along interstate 84 to ensure I made it back in time to be the guest speaker this evening, grateful for the great view of the blue waters of the Columbia River as well as the towering peaks of  Mount Hood. What an honor to share my thoughts with such an amazing group of women.


September 21: Guest Speaker: Women’s International Motorcycle Association


September 14: A Smorgasboard of Delights!