September 21: Guest Speaker: Women’s International Motorcycle Association

What an honor and a privilege it was to be a guest speaker at the Women’s International Motorcycle Association Event this weekend. This diverse group of dynamic ladies came from all corners of the US and even Canada and Great Britian to meet with fellow riders.

After a weekend full of fun and games as well as inspiring tales of motorcycle adventure, I had the opportunity to share my message about learning to “Live at Full Throttle.”

It was so encouraging and affirming to get such a positive response from these kind and accomplished women. One fellow rider told me, “You had us captivated” and another made it a point to say how much she appreciated the layers of my story and how it was woven together. Multiple women commented that my message had brought them to tears and some of them shared how what I said had given them the confidence to consider facing some of their fears.

I’d like to thank WIMA president, Michelle Lamphere, for inviting me to speak and also for giving me such positive feedback afterwards. I am looking forward to future speaking engagements and hope to encourage more people to ask themselves what they would do if fear were not their first thought.


September 21: Refreshing River Ride