May 11: Fabulous Four Again

My heart is overflowing with joy! After a rather trying week, today’s ride through the forested backroads of Oregon and across the Columbia River into Washington with three of my favorite riding buddies was full of good food, friendly banter, and lots of curves.

Taking off from Volcano Harley Davidson this morning, Leo Guzman- Fernandez, Gene Lord, Grant Myers, and I headed north on highway 30 for our first ride together in almost a year. With the sun out and temperatures in the high sixties and getting warmer by the minute, nothing could wipe the big smile off my face.

Forking off on the Scappoose Vernonia Highway I drew in a deep breath of the rich springtime air, marveling at the abundant greenery on all sides and the canopies of trees above. The lush tree branches and leaves provided cooling shade from the hot sun while at the same time creating a beautiful natural tapestry against the bright blue backdrop.

 As we headed north on highway 47 to Mist and then west on highway 202 to Jewell, we swooped around one hillside after another, passing little cottages, fields and farms, and numerous small creeks and brooks. The curves here were sharp enough and frequent enough to provide a thrilling ride but not so challenging that we had to slow down too much.

Riding into Astoria we were greeted with the shimmery brilliant blue waters of Youngs River to our left as we followed along the waters edge and made our way into town past Youngs Bay and then the Columbia River.

After some delicious clam chowder and wonderful conversation, we took highway 101 north past the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge and then highway 4 east along Grays River and then the Columbia River before heading south on Interstate 5 back to Portland.

After a long week with lots of tests to grade, difficult medical news to process and manage, and lots of work getting the new book launched, I can’t think of any better way to spend the day. What a blessing it is to have such great friends and to get such a rejuvenating ride in.


May 18: Best of Friends Together Again


April 27: Bucolic Backroads