April 27: Bucolic Backroads

Today’s ride through Bucolic backroads from one favorite eatery up to another was just what the doctor ordered – rolling hills, spring blossoms, orchards, vineyards, and farmlands. Even though temperatures were in the upper forties or lower fifties most of the day, the scenery was so darn inspiring I didn’t really notice.

Waking up this morning and seeing rain forecasted for most of the coast, I decided to stay inland and explore some of the beautiful country roads between Creswell and Aloha before dropping My Baby off for his 40,000-mile service at Paradise Harley this evening.

My bacon ciabatta breakfast sandwich at the Creswell Bakery was made fresh to order and delicious as usual – served with a runny egg, creamy Tillamook Cheddar, home smoked bacon and a ciabatta roll just out of the oven. I had taken the most direct route south to get breakfast as quickly as possible and was looking forward to taking the long way home.

Heading east on Camas Swale Road I enjoyed every single delightful curve as the road twisted and snaked its way through thick evergreen trees and up and over the hilly terrain near Gillespie Corner.

Continuing north on Lorane Highway, lush green meadows appeared on both sides of me before the landscape on both sides became filled with brown, yellow, and green crops, creating a natural patchwork quilt of resplendent colors. Farmhouses dotted the properties and cattle and sheep grazed contentedly in their fields.

The expression “April showers bring May flowers” came to mind as I passed one beautiful patch of bright yellow wildflowers after another. Continuing north on Peoria Road and then Bald Eagle Road, I could see valleys and rivers down below and passed one stretch of abundant cherry blossoms so bright they took my breath away.

Making my way into Aloha, I stopped at the La Pachanga Food cart for their famous Barbequeso taco and consume dinner. I dipped the hearty marinated beef tacos topped with mozzarella cheese and placed in grilled corn tortillas in the rich meaty broth and savored every bite.  What a great day on the bike!


May 11: Fabulous Four Again


April 20: Never too Many Curves