May 6: Bye Bye Baby

I feel like I’ve fallen in love and then had to say goodbye. Today I shipped off the Adventure Baby to make his way towards Iceland where I will join him in just a few weeks.

Today was an early release day at school so I took some personal time off this afternoon to send the bike on his way. Vlad from Day In Day Out Trucking met me at my house but was a little stymied by the hill just beyond my neighborhood – a sharp 16% grade that has left many a truck stranded. Although I had mentioned the hill in advance, he had not anticipated it heading that direction and ended up needing to back up the semitrailer several blocks and park in another neighborhood.

I drove the bike over to Vlad and watched as he and his brother made room on the truck for the Baby. They did not have lifts or attached ramps and ended up doing a lot of heavy lifting to move the Harley that was already on the truck over and load my bike next to it.

 I had mixed emotions watching them tie down the bike. I was excited that our summer adventure was really beginning but sad I would be without the Adventure Baby for several weeks. Vlad will be trucking the bike to Portland, Maine and from there Eimskip shipping will transport him to Reykjavik.

Although I have only had this new-to-me Honda CB500x for a few weeks, I have totally customized him to fit my stature and traveling needs. He has become an extension of myself. Fortunately, I am going to be quite busy over the next few weeks earning the remaining funds for my trip and making final preparations, so I won’t have too much time to miss him. I’m so excited to see what adventures come my way the next few months!


May 13: Oregon in all its Glory!


May 6: Ready to Ride