July 21: Want To Go To Montenegro?

After several great days in Croatia, it was time to hit the road for Montenegro today. What a visual feast for the eyes! Layer upon layer of rolling foothills and stunning limestone cliffs towering over the dark blue Adriatic Sea.

Heading south from Slano this morning I took in the picturesque sight of little bays as I passed clusters of homes and shops perched on the shoreline, boats bobbing in the deep sapphire colored water, and families relaxing on the beaches.

Nearing Dubrovnik, I passed over the Franjo Tudman Bridge, a beautifully designed 1,699-foot-long cable stayed structure that provided a stunning bird’s eye view of the famous city, known for its medieval architecture and fortified old town. Ships of all shapes and sizes were docked in the harbor and white stucco buildings were crowded together on the surrounding hillsides.

Shortly after passing the city, my navigation directed me up into the hills to avoid some of the heavier traffic clogging the coastal road. What a treat it was to bump and jostle along some of the narrow mountain roads all by myself, enjoying the scenes of vineyards and valleys below.

Returning to the main road right before the border crossing, I was surprised that the Croatian official at the first checkpoint waved me through without asking to see my passport. Relieved to move on in the heat, I furtively looked in my rear-view mirror, nonetheless, making sure I wasn’t being flagged down by an officer.

Entering Montenegro, I was immediately struck by the preponderance of magnificent mountain views. Rolling hills filled with evergreen trees rose up on both sides of me and the Dinaric Alp’s striking cliffs of limestone towered above.

As I reached the Bay of Kotor, the breeze coming off the waters provided relief from the heat and the cleft formed by the bases of the surrounding mountains at the water line took my breath away.

I’m looking forward to exploring the winding streets and squares of the old town of Kotor this evening before continuing my journey south.


July 22: Caribbean Cruise or Motorcycle Ride Through the Balkans?


July 20: Split & Stunning Seashore South