July 20: Split & Stunning Seashore South

What a spectacular ride along the Croatian coastline! After a delightful evening in Split, I made my way past one stunning sea view after another along the Adriatic Sea to Slano, gasping in amazement at all the beautiful shades of blue in the ocean waters below.

Arriving in the bustling city of Split hot and tired from a day of riding in intense heat, I pulled into the free motorcycle parking area adjacent to the pedestrian zone where I met my genial host for the evening, who insisted on carrying most of my bags to the guest room in his home, right in the center of Old Town.

After taking a refreshing shower, I headed out on the narrow cobblestone streets to explore the ruins of the city’s palace, a majestic stone structure built in 1394 for the roman emperor Diocletian. Finding two young men in the central palace square dressed up as Roman guards, I engaged in a brief “sword fight” with them before continuing on my way, reading informational plaques about the history of the area and enjoying some window shopping in the little shops congregated nearby.

Heading south this morning, I was prepared for thick traffic but had no idea how incredible the views would end up being. As I passed one little beach town after another, I could see a rainbow of colors along the shoreline as the white rocky beaches turned to light aquamarine water in the shallow area and then deeper shades of blue further out.

Majestic promontories jutted out into the dark blue sea, with red tile roofed houses, hotels, and eateries clustered on the water’s edge while little ships bobbed in the gently rolling sea. As I swooped around one bend in the road after another, I couldn’t help gasping at the sheer beauty of the striking sea waters, white stucco buildings, deep green vegetation, and vast ocean waters.

Although traffic did end up being quite heavy, I followed the lead of the local motorcyclists, working my way along the edge of the lane past most of the stopped cars. I will have to remember to change my habits when I return to the US!


July 21: Want To Go To Montenegro?


July 19: Grinning in Gracac