August 2: Relaxing on Remarkable Romanian Roads

Today’s ride through dozens of tiny villages from Craiova Romania to Novaci was downright relaxing as I leisurely wound my way along small country roads heading north.

After waiting for several hours in searing heat for the ferry to take me across the Danube River from Bulgaria to Romania yesterday, I was so pleased to see the boat finally dock and to load Adventure Baby up for the brief but scenic ride across the famous body of water. Workers on the ship wearing blue and white striped nautical shirts carefully managed the loading and unloading process, fitting as many semi-trucks on the vessel as possible.

I stopped briefly at customs when I arrived in Romania and made good time to my lodging in Craiova not far away, passing mostly agricultural land, much of it filled with crops of corn. Farmers sold produce on the side of the road and families sat out at tables in their front yards, covered by shade and watching traffic pass by.

Heading out this morning, I was delighted to find that all my route north would be on smaller backroads, allowing me time to really take in the scenery around me. As I passed through one little picturesque village after another, I noticed that many of the homes had colorfully colored gates and planter boxes filled with flowers. Livestock grazed on grassy front lawns and farming equipment filled many of the parking spaces on the street not taken by cars and trucks.

I passed several horses pulling carts and stopped to take a picture of one parked at a bus stop. I wasn’t sure if the gentleman leading the horse was hoping to pick up a ride or just happened to be taking a rest, but I waved and said hello before moving on.

The yellow grass dotted with green trees on both sides of me became lusher and the air cooler as I got farther north and closer to the Carpathian Mountains. Charming country houses with stone and brick walls dotted the landscape as did little farmhouses with tractors out front.

As I pulled into Novaci for the night, I could see the foothills and valleys of the Carpathians in the distance.  My lodging this evening is at a small country restaurant that also offers beds. I’m looking forward to enjoying a nice dinner before hitting the road for the mountains tomorrow.



August 3: Transalpina Thrills


August 1: Crossing Into Romania?