August 1: Crossing Into Romania?

Today’s crossing from Bulgaria to Romania isn’t exactly going as I’d anticipated. I’m sitting in a smoke enshrouded outdoor seating area in blistering heat waiting for a ferry that has yet to appear. Fortunately, my time at MotoCamp Bulgaria was full of camaraderie and inspiration that is helping me keep a positive perspective even now. Read more of the details here. 

From the moment I passed through the wrought iron gates of MotoCamp Bulgaria in Idilevo last night I felt at home. My room number was Honda 2 and the blanket on my bed was a Harley. The table in the front yard had two motorcycles as a base, and there were bikes and bikers everywhere.

Settling myself at a centrally located picnic table, I finished off my work for the day under the vine covered terrace with cats nestled up next to me while simultaneously chatting with bikers from around the world. A cool breeze took the edge off the almost 90-degree heat and two fly deterrent devices kept most of the bugs away.

Over an incredible homemade dinner of grilled sausages, onions, peppers, and mushrooms we shared stories of motorcycle adventure, discussed mechanical issues, and compared border checkpoint requirements. Even though we represented a variety of ages and home countries we shared an enthusiasm for biking that gave us an instant rapport.

After engaging in more friendly banter over breakfast, I headed north towards Romania for what I hoped would be a simple border crossing. Following a variety of pleasant narrow country roads, I wound my way through one little village after another, passing many fields of corn. I stopped in a small town to pet a friendly horse with a cartful of corn behind him and proceeded to Oryahovo where I thought I was crossing a bridge over the river into Romania.

Instead, I was greeted by a custom’s official that explained I needed to take a ferry to cross over and that the boat would leave “in an hour.” I guess I didn’t look closely enough at my navigation app! After submitting my paperwork for inspection at another customs booth I purchased a ferry ticket and moved to the front of the line to wait in the over 90-degree heat.

It has been two hours since that time and the ferry is apparently not leaving for at least another hour. Rather than focus on the delay I decided to put the extra time to good use, joining a group of Bulgarian and Romanian truckers at the smoking gazebo so I could use the table there to write my daily blog.

Thinking of the wonderful time spent with other bikers and all the adventures yet to come is bringing a smile to my face. In fact, even though I’m hot and breathing in smoke, I’m remembering that it’s not every day I get to hang out with truckers from another country. I’m also looking forward to exploring a new town in Romania tonight. 



August 2: Relaxing on Remarkable Romanian Roads


July 31: Plenty to See in Plovdiv