July 12: Not Hungry in Hungary

What a delightful time in Hungary! From a tasty dinner with a fellow motorcyclist last night to fruit stands along the road today, I’m sure not going to be hungry on this visit.

Arriving in Keszthely late yesterday afternoon, I met up with a local biker who offered to help me pick out some delicious traditional food at a nearby diner and talk about motorcycle adventures. I was starved from battling the heat all day and decided to eat both an appetizer and main dish.

My Hortobagyi Palacsinta, a stuffed crepe filled with ground beef and paprika and covered with sour cream and red sauce, hit the spot. Like a wet burrito, this savory treat was soft and flavorful and gave me enough energy so that I could focus on the biking stories until the entree came.

The main dish was goulash, a Hungarian stew made with tender beef and a thick red wine sauce that was rich and juicy and perfectly complemented the potato dumplings. I loved the way the dumplings were crispy and slightly browned on the inside but creamy enough on the inside to melt in my mouth.

It was wonderful to hear Joe’s tales of past journeys through Europe, his plans for an upcoming trip to Malaysia, and his suggestions for stopping points for me later this summer.

After our meal, we walked down the main street of the tiny town, checking out the cafes along the way as well as the city center with the Little Saint Teresa Carmelite Basilica temple, the largest of its kind in Hungary.

Feeling rested from a great night’s sleep, this morning I headed east along Lake Balaton, the largest freshwater lake in Central Europe with beautiful beaches that make it a major holiday destination.

From there I traveled south through the countryside of Hungary, appreciating the bucolic backroads filled with dozens of corn and sunflower fields, little villages, and farmlands. I noticed that many of the village houses had concrete bridges spanning large drainage ditches running down the fronts of their yards. Perhaps because of the heat today, few people were out and about.

Noticing several enticing produce stands along the way filled with colorful fruits and vegetables of all types, I waited until I was close to my destination for the night to pick up some treats, hoping my purchase would not spoil in the intense heat.

I picked out about seven apricots and handed the kind proprietress a two Euro coin, not sure if it was enough. To my surprise she nodded and then added two nectarines and a peach. What a deal! I’m looking forward to another delicious dinner this evening as I am within walking distance of a street filled with local eateries. I’m planning on waiting just a bit to head out, though, as it is still 98 degrees outside.



July 13: Serbia: It’s Going Swimmingly


July 11: Slow and Scenic in Slovenia