July 9: Au Revoir Switzerland, Salve Italy!

Saying goodbye to Switzerland this morning was truly bittersweet as it meant leaving a place that feels like home and bidding farewell to my grandmother. But I left for Italy knowing it was what she would have wanted, as sharing adventures was always a bond that tied us together. And what a ride it was!

After a quick breakfast in my hotel room this morning I headed to my grandmother’s residence to spend a little more time holding her hands, telling her I loved her, and comforting her. This visit has been such a blessing because we have both had the opportunity to share positive sentiments.

It amazes me that even at 105 years of age and with no sight and limited hearing, she still made it a point to encourage me, telling me how much she loves me, how much she appreciates what I have done for her, and encouraging me to “enjoy life.” I hope that as my time on earth approaches its end, I can be even just a fraction of the woman she is.

Feeling rather subdued leaving on my motorcycle after a tearful goodbye, I was especially appreciative of the calming effect of the rumble of the bike, the wind in my face, and the texture of the road.

Then, when I headed east along Lake Geneva and got my first glimpse of the far end of the body of water, my heart leapt with joy! I can think of only one other time I have seen such a stunning lake view – the still, shimmering aquamarine surface was framed in the foreground by lush green neat rows of vines and beyond by rough craggy granite mountains topped by snow. Although traffic was heavy, I simply couldn’t resist pulling over to capture a little of the grandeur of the vista before me.

Due to some recent vision problems that have affected my depth perception and peripheral vision, I chose a route over the Swiss and Italian Alps that would give me spectacular mountain views but not be more technical than appropriate given my condition.

My route through Saint-Maurice, Martigny, and Gignod was just what I hoped for with plenty of curves, twists and turns, crisp cool mountain air, and visions of layer upon layer of green rolling foothills dwarfed by majestic snow-topped jagged peaks glistening with snow.

I chuckled as I rode through a tunnel bored through the mountains when I noticed a section of pavement painted with a picture of the Italian flag. The green, white, and red stripes were my only clue that I had crossed over into Italy.

After continuing east past Turin and Milan, I headed north at San Pancrazio to my lodging for the night in a charming little village on the banks of the Lake Iseo. My hotel is perfectly situated right on the water and within walking distance of little shops and restaurants. The cobblestone streets and stucco and stone buildings festooned with geraniums provide a perfect lakeside backdrop. What a fantastic day!



July 10: Blessed in Bled


July 8: Day of Delightful Delicacies