August 10: Au Revoir Nyon; Next Stop: Portugal

Okay, maybe it was a little bit impulsive. But when I got a tip from another biker about a great road in Portugal, I decided to make a two-day detour over there to check it out. After saying my last good-byes to Nyon, I headed 500 miles south and west today through France.

I woke up this morning sad about leaving my Swiss home away from home but excited to be on the road again. After briefly walking the cobblestone streets of Nyon and taking in the sights one last time, I headed to the motorcycle dealership in the next town over to get one more adjustment made to the Adventure Baby. With the bike in tip top shape and ready to go, I headed west.

As I only have a few days before I need to be back in Germany to catch my flight home, I had to stick to the main roads, taking A42 and then A89 all the way to Bordeaux and then A63 south to the little town of Ychoux, where I was able to find inexpensive lodging for the night.

My trip through the French countryside took me over many beautiful bridges and viaducts of all different sizes and shapes, crossing rivers, lakes, and valleys. I passed fields and farmlands with crops of corn, wheat, and sunflowers, the latter leaning into the sun and gently blowing with the wind.

I got a little too enthusiastic about minimizing my gas stops and barely coasted into the gas station in Ychoux on fumes. After getting fuel and some snacks for later tonight and tomorrow morning, I checked into my hotel where the staff welcomed me warmly and fed me a delicious dinner. I am grateful to have such a well-located pit stop for the night and am appreciating the beautiful flowers outside my window as I type.

Tomorrow night I will be in Portugal, ready to hit the N2 road the next day. Will it be worth it? I hope so!


August 11: Portugal It Is!


August 9: Happy Place