Summer 2022: Day by Day

Welcome to Summer 2022! This journey shaped up to be more adventurous than ever. The previous year I visited all 48 contiguous states on my 2018 Softail Slim, completing a 2000 mile IBA certified endurance ride and hosting book signing events at all four US corners. In 2022 I headed north to Alaska on my new 2021 Softail Slim and then rented an adventure bike in Anchorage to ride the largely gravel Dalton Highway to the Arctic Ocean. I was educated about hazards with roads, potential mechanical issues with the bike, and encounters with bears but realized that I still had a lot to learn. Although I encountered numerous mishaps, I did indeed make it to Deadhorse and Prudhoe Bay. I hosted a book signing at the House of Harley in Anchorage on July 2 and created a podcast with Mike Glidden of Alaska Motorsports before getting back on my Softail Slim to head east through Canada to Newfoundland. I was so incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to visit the French Island of Saint Pierre off of Newfoundland just 15 days after leaving Alaska. I was able to end the trip by visiting several of my favorite spots in the US as I made my way East and then West back home. I was on the road about 9 weeks and enjoyed every single day of it. Come along with me as I describe great riding roads, beautiful scenery, and excellent eating establishments.