July 30 - Rocky Mountain National Park

Lodging: Grand Lake, CO

Kathleen Terner Rocky Mountain Park
Kathleen Terner Rocky Mountain Park

Wow! That’s all I can say - wow! We live in such a beautiful country! I spent the afternoon and evening in Rocky Mountain National Park and saw it like I’ve never seen it before. I was worried it would be raining the whole time I was there because it was forecasted to do so. I did encounter thunder, lightening, rain, and side winds. But I also got a lot of sun. I must say I am a sucker for snow covered mountains and they were everywhere! I got some great pictures of the bike and me in front of the mountains. I also hiked to the top of the peak at the Alpine Visitor Center to get an amazing 360 degree video of the mountain range. Incredible! Then as if that wasn’t enough I got to see two different moose on the way down. Then (there’s more!) I got to see two separate herds of elk. I was so enthralled with them (they were on opposite sides of the road but in the same vicinity) I spent an hour taking pictures and videos and observing them. I’m sitting at a lodge eating salad and staring at the mountains and almost tearing up with joy.


August 1 - Arches National Park


July 29 - Rocky Mountain National Park