July 4 - Philipsburg and Anaconda Backroads

Lodging: Butte, MT

Kathleen Terner Anaconda
Kathleen Terner Montana

There’s no where I’d rather be than on my bike on a cross country trip. Today I had some challenges with my GPS not cooperating. It kept telling me to go what I knew was the opposite way than where I needed to go. So I pulled over to console myself with a large piece of chocolate covered toffee and looked at a map. 😀 The treat served two legitimate purposes - eating it also cleared up more space in my food bag. The views were spectacular. Sorry the mountains just don’t seem to show in the background. But they were inspiring. Spent some time on the East side of Flathead Lake. Gorgeous! Road to Philipsburg and Anaconda was stunning as promised. Tomorrow I drive near the entrance of Yellowstone. Managed to snag two nights at my favorite cheap place to stay near Yellowstone - Chico Hot Springs Resort. The nice reservation lady said she was going to give me an additional 10% discount because she thought it was “bad ass” (her words) that I was traveling on my bike alone. Wow. How nice!


July 5 - Yellowstone National Park


July 3 - Glacier National Park