August 23 - Nevada Desert

Lodging: Susanville, CA

Kathleen Terner fires near Susanville

I feel so grateful that motorcycle riding energizes, encourages, and uplifts me. Yesterday as I was driving to Hells Canyon, I started reflecting on all the blessings of this trip. When I got back to Baker City at 5:00 pm yesterday, I decided I wanted to spend some significant time reflecting on the summer and possible ideas for a book. So I decided to go to Salt Lake City last night, Reno tonight, and stop in Susanville, CA for the night. I have come up with a name for the book as well as the general outline. My hope is that I can encourage others to have hope, stay strong, and strive for joy in their lives. The title I’m going with for now is “Wind Therapy - How my solo cross country motorcycle trip gave me confidence, joy, and hope after surviving cancer, a divorce, and the pandemic.” The book will describe the trip chronologically in the context of the lessons I learned along the way. I’m hoping to weave helpful motorcycle tips throughout the book. I didn’t take time for any selfies after Hells Canyon because I was putting on so many miles (over a thousand since last night). I traveled through smoke almost the whole time from Baker City to Salt Lake City and from Salt Lake City to Sparks and then again from Sparks to Susanville. As I was pulling into Susanville for the night there were active fires burning and I could see the flames lifting into the air. Fire trucks are all over the place. I’m including a picture of a fire just five miles from me now.


August 25- Otter Crest Loop


August 22 -Hells Canyon