Lodging: Gualala, CA

Kathleen Terner Golden Gate Bridge
Kathleen Terner Golden Gate Bridge
Kathleen Terner California Coast

Today was an A plus day! I decided to spend the late morning exploring the Marin Headlands north of San Francisco. I started up the Conzulman Road I did last night and this time forked east to Battery Spencer and even closer to the Golden Gate Bridge. Got a great photo right in front of the bridge. Then I decided to do the really fun part of the road again - the one at Hawk Hill that swoops down at an 18% grade and makes you feel that you are going to fly into the ocean. OK, I’ll admit - I did it twice again! 😀 It’s like going on a really fun amusement park ride and getting right back in line again. Then I headed north up the California coast on highway 1 (not 101). Ate at the Parkside Cafe, a place in Stinson Beach found last year, and had the best fish tacos (fresh fish of course) that I have ever had. I would have taken a picture but I was too busy eating. Also picked out a couple bakery items to go. Drove up the coast some more and ate one of my desserts looking out at the ocean (picture of me at top of hill). Made it to Gualala in time, I thought, for my favorite pizza at Upper Crust Pizzeria. Here’s where it gets kind of interesting. Right as I’m walking to the pizza place to get the pizza I’ve been waiting all year for (it’s that good) the entire town loses power! Argh! None of the businesses had back-up generators so there was NO WHERE to get food for dinner. I set up my phone on my tri-pod in my hotel room with the flashlight feature on so I could see. Then I pieced together some left - overs for dinner. The pizza place in town had a Caesar salad in the fridge they were willing to sell and I added a hard boiled egg. I got ice out of the machine to keep my breakfast for tomorrow cold. Then my neighbors and I looked at the stars. I am so determined to get my pizza that I have decided to wait to leave town tomorrow until Upper Crust Pizzeria opens for lunch and the power is on. It’s good I hadn’t made reservations for tomorrow night yet. I’m not sure where I’ll end up going but I do know it will be an adventure.


August 15 - California Coast


August 13 - Conzelman Road, Marin Headlands