Kathleen Terner Tillamook
Kathleen Terner Tillamook

Had another great riding day with an unexpected twist. Met up with Annette Sanchez and two friends to go to Tillamook on the coast. Got there and had a GREAT lunch at Old Oregon Smokehouse. Fresh fish and chips to go right across from the Tillamook cheese factory. But heading north from Tillamook to hit more coastline, the new heated jacket I exchanged for a defective one yesterday failed! So I turned around and went back to the dealership. They couldn't find anything wrong with my bike battery so they changed the jacket wiring for me AGAIN and told me to test it as much as possible. I was trying to think of somewhere cold to go - so I went to Mount Hood and back. Another amazing day! Guess I'll have to do a lot of riding this week to test out the new jacket wiring!


May 27 - Mount Angel


May 23 - Klickitat and Mount Hood