October 9: Victory Lap to Goldendale

What better way to celebrate a victory than to go a great motorcycle ride? After giving today’s message at the Sunday service for House Church Northwest in Vancouver, I couldn’t help but notice that the sun was out, it was warm, and I had all my motorcycle gear on. Rather than head home to do yard work, I decided on the spur of the moment to go east to Goldendale to pay a short visit to my best friend Michelle.

With temperatures in the high 70s this afternoon, the ride east on highway 14 was beyond delightful. After skipping lunch and downing a protein bar, I feasted on views of the Columbia River Gorge as I wound my way through North Bonneville, Bingen, and Lyle. The deep blue river was framed by rolling hills in multiple hues of brown and yellow, sheer rock cliffs, and a multitude of vineyards and fields.

Feeling euphoric after getting such positive feedback from my Sunday message, I leaned into the curves, savored the feel of the wind in my face, and swooped up and over one hill after another on my way to Goldendale. Traffic was surprisingly minimal making the ride especially enjoyable.

In Goldendale, Michelle and I celebrated our victories together. She just this weekend officially opened her Airbnb on Woodland Road, and it looks spectacular. The property is a veritable paradise with so many different places to relax, read, and enjoy a beautiful natural setting. It was great to see how much she has done with the place and to get a few hugs from her as well. What a great day!


October 14: Delightfully Blue


October 8: All I Needed to See In Alsea