January 2 - Ringing in the New Year with the Creswell Bakery

Hallelujah! Today just kept getting better and better. After a great night’s sleep I decided this morning to walk to church and enjoy the fresh air and views of snow-covered hills and farmlands along the way. A few minutes into my walk I realized it was partly sunny and downright balmy compared to recent days – almost 40 degrees. After listening to a great sermon, I hatched a plan to finally get on my bike again. Today’s ride took me on dry roads down to the Creswell Bakery where they have finally started serving sandwiches made to order again after months on hiatus.

Time was of the essence as the bakery closes at 3pm on Sundays. I was sorely tempted to take backroads down through Stayton, Scio, and Brownsville. But I knew riding the smaller country roads might not get me there in time. I was also concerned that the backroads might have more patches of snow or ice than the highway.

I plotted what I hoped was a safe route on Interstate 5, called in my order to the bakery, donned my motorcycle gear and hopped on the bike. My bike was not as excited as I was about the ride and would not start, despite the fact I have kept it on a trickle charger all winter. Not to be deterred from my meal, I jump started the bike and headed south.

It was exhilarating to feel the rumble of the bike, the wind in my face, and the texture of the road once again. I could see blue sky and sun ahead of me most of the trip going south and enjoyed the views of snow-capped mountains and pastures dotted with cattle.

I was glad I had called in my order ahead of time as they bakery had sold out of bread when I arrived but had set aside two loaves of multigrain sourdough for me. My bacon ciabatta breakfast sandwich was as good as I remembered with an over easy fried egg, fresh Tillamook Cheddar Cheese, and house-cured bacon on a homemade ciabatta roll. I savored every bite as the bakery just recently began making these sandwiches again after months of labor shortages.

I am so very grateful for every day as it comes. The past is behind me, and the future is unknown. But each new day is a gift to be treasured, especially when it involves a motorcycle ride!


January 9 - Taking the Long Way to Newport and Back


December 11 - Sunset HOG Christmas Party