November 28 - Mount Hood in its glory

What could be better than blue skies, snow-capped mountain peaks, and the Columbia River, all in one day? I had originally planned to do more housework today. But when I left church and saw the sun out in full force, I decided the housework could wait. I felt the mountains calling my name, and after quickly checking the weather up at Mount Hood decided to head east.

I couldn’t believe my good fortune – after days of rain and fairly cold weather, the temperature today in West Linn as well as up at Mount Hood was in the upper 50’s. I have been longing to see the snow-capped mountains and decided to take advantage of the milder weather to attempt to go over the mountain past Hood River.

I headed east on highway 224 and then highway 26 past Mount Hood Village and Government Camp. I was a little nervous about all of the signs telling me I was entering a winter recreation area and that chains were required but decided to keep the bike in a lower gear, drive cautiously, and keep an eye on the road conditions. I did see frost on the road in patches, snow on the side of the road, and gravel down the middle of the road. But I was grateful that I never encountered ice in the middle of the road.

It was wonderful to drive through the lush green trees of Mount Hood National Forest, soak up the sun, and marvel at the snow and the mountains. As I passed Mount Hood and then descended into Hood River, the topography changed to meadows and orchards and then finally the Columbia River.

The sun was setting as I drove west along the Columbia past Cascade Locks on my way home. I felt rejuvenated after breathing in the fresh mountain air, feeling the warm sun on my back, and gazing at the mountain and water views along my way. I feel so blessed to live in the northwest!



December 11 - Sunset HOG Christmas Party


November 21 - The Long Way to Markum for Lunch