January 19: Making the Most of an Icy Week

Hiking three miles in the snow with ice crampons every day, drinking piping hot vanilla chai tea with whipped cream, baking cinnamon rolls and thin crust pizza, meandering over to the local Starbuck’s (when open) to work on my second book, and sleeping in – not how I would normally spend a work week at the high school! However, when a brutal snow and ice storm hit our area, covering roads and walkways with a thick layer of hard ice and shutting down schools and most businesses, I decided to make the most of it. I anticipate finishing the first draft of my second book by the end of the month and publishing it before leaving by bike for Africa this summer. I’m super excited to share personal reflections on how I’ve learned to “Live Life at Full Throttle,” whatever might come my way, whether it be four brain tumors, death – defying muddy roads, or any of the ups and downs of traveling through 24 countries by motorcycle. I’m so incredibly grateful to have had heat, power, and plenty of food this week as well as a rather unexpected opportunity to get so much writing done.


February 2: Partying La Pachanga Style


December 31: 123123123 and So Grateful!