September 24 - Lady’s Night at Paradise

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Paradise Harley sure knows how to party! I had so much fun at the Lady’s Night last Friday I forgot to take pictures. Fortunately, Melanie Salisbury had taken a few and sent them to me. There was a great turn-out at the event and I so much enjoyed meeting each and every woman who attended. We listened to live music, ate delicious pizza and dessert, and entered a raffle for prizes. I am honored that Paradise asked me to share my story and participate in a Q and A session. So many great questions were posed, and it was wonderful so share, hopefully encourage others, and sign some books. Then when I thought it couldn’t get any better, the dealership gave me a Harley Davidson gift card and thanked me for helping with the event. What an enjoyable evening! Thank you Paradise!



September 25 - Crater Lake and Mount Hood


September 19 - Creswell Bakery and Backroads Through Lebanon