September 10: It’s a Small World

Sometimes a ride really is all about the food. Today’s trip took me north to Marysville to Jeff’s Texas Style barbeque. It might sound a little crazy to drive over 200 miles just to get a great meal. But if you’ve ever eaten at Jeff’s you would understand. The funny thing is, while I was there, I happened to run into two people I had met the weekend before several hundred miles away. What a small world it is.

Last weekend while at the Creswell Bakery I shared a picnic table with a nice young couple returning from the Burning Man Festival in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert. I enjoyed hearing about their adventures surviving in the heat and driving through dust storms. When they mentioned they were from the Seattle area I suggested they try out Jeff’s Barbeque, a little over 30 miles north of them.

Last night I got a hankering for the barbeque myself and decided to head up there for lunch. I realized that with the thick haze from forest fires blanketing much of Oregon and Washington eating a great meal might be a more realistic goal than capturing any good photos of the great outdoors.

It was delightful to head north on the bike, sing songs, pray, think thoughts of gratitude, and reflect on what I’d like to share this Friday at Ladies Night at Paradise. Arriving at Jeff’s, it was wonderful to be welcomed by the servers and to pick out my favorite items from the menu.

Just as I was sitting down, I looked up and was amazed to see the couple I had talked the weekend before almost 350 miles to the south. I jumped up to say hello and we both exclaimed how unlikely it was to have met up again. When I walked back to my table another couple next to me said they recognized me from my blog. It was great to chat with them and hear about some of their biking adventures.

After some great conversation, I savored every bite of my meal. The brisket, taken from the fatty end of the piece was incredibly moist and tender and full of flavor. The baked bean side dish was both spicy and sweet with pineapple pieces, bacon, beans, and chunks of brisket. I loved the tender pork ribs with a slightly crispy char to add a little more flavor and texture.

On my way home I took a little detour off the main road along a frontage road with views of Lake Washington. Although it was somewhat obscured by haze, I was happy to enjoy the water views.  Another great day on the bike.


September 18: Great Day with Paradise


September 5: On Top of the World