February 17: Horses, Hazlenuts, and Honey on Oregon Backroads

Horses hanging out in pastures, hazelnut orchards lined up in rows, and honey for sale on the side of the road – even a cold and wet day riding backroads to a small café in the Oregon countryside proved to be a refreshing respite from weekday work.

Waking up during a lull in the rain this morning, I decided there was no time like the present to get out on the bike. Heading south and then west on Stafford and Wilsonville roads, I passed horses grazing contentedly in their pastures, tractors parked next to bright red farmhouses, and large swaths of green and brown crops dripping with dew.

Gliding down one rural route after another past Newberg and Dundee, I passed beautiful bunches of red berry bushes on the side of the road, groves of hazelnut trees resting on fields of green grass, and farm stands offering nuts and honey to passersby. In the distance, white snow-capped mountains rose majestically above the blue-tinted foothills and bucolic green farmlands below.

Riding through rain and temperatures in the 40’s, I gratefully breathed in the chilly winter air, luxuriating in the warmth of my electric gear, and leaving the business of the work week behind. Feeling the wind in my face and the rumble of the road below me, it was easy to focus on all the things I had to be grateful for.  

Arriving in McMinnville, I parked the bike and walked through the warm and welcoming doors of the Crescent Café, captivated by the delightful aroma of cinnamon rolls and bread in the oven. I ordered a bacon and provolone crepe with scrambled eggs and caramelized onion topped with a balsamic reduction and accompanied by marionberry jam. As I chewed on every creamy and savory bite, I reflected on how fortunate I was to live in such a beautiful part of the country.


March 16: Winter Meets Spring


February 10: Sun, Sand, and Salmon