June 12 - HOG Ride to Pelton Dam

clearer group shot at government camp.JPG
Kathleen Terner Me near Pelton Dam.JPEG
Kathleen Terner coming home from Pelton Dam.JPEG
Kathleen Terner Coming home near Mount Hood.JPEG

What a perfect day—a great ride in the sun with wonderful friends, fantastic food, and precious family time with my daughter. I was able to join my HOG group for a group ride out to Pelton Dam today. They continued on from there while I headed home to pick up my daughter from the airport. I haven’t seen her since Spring Break and am ecstatic that she is in town.

Our group left Latus at 10:00 and headed east on 82nd, then Jennifer, then highways 212, 211, and 26 on our way to the Warm Springs Area. It was a glorious drive with lots of sun, crisp air, snow-capped mountain peaks, and lush green forests. Jon Erickson did a masterful job keeping all of us safe and together as we wound our way up and down the mountain through the Mount Hood National Forest. About half-way between Warm Springs and Madras we turned on Pelton Dam Road and followed the edge of the dam down to the riverbed below.

Our lunch at Fraser’s Deep Canyon Grill and Pelton Store and Marina was a perfect respite. The Grill has an expansive outdoor seating area with a great view of the Deschutes River. We were able to relax under umbrellas, eat delicious burgers, and watch boaters enjoying the water.

After lunch I headed home solo to be back in time to pick up my daughter. Although I missed being with my friends, I also have come to love riding my bike on my own. So I also treasured the time on the road alone, soaking in the views, singing, swooping around curves at my own speed, and thinking of all the things I have to be grateful for.

I welcomed my daughter with a homemade poster and took her and one of her best friends out for dinner and desert in Portland. Life is so good!


June 19 - First book signing followed by ride around Fern Ridge Lake


June 6 - Running to the Sun near Crow