April 10 - Hoffstadt Creek Bridge and almost all the way to Mt. St. Helens

Kathleen Terner Mount st helens with snow.jpeg
Kathleen Terner Hoffstadt Creek Bridge.jpeg
Kathleen Terner Highway 504.jpeg
Three Peaks Public House.jpeg

What a refreshing day! Jay Kreilich led an amazing HOG ride to Three Peaks Public House in Ridgefield, Washington. We enjoyed a great lunch together then I took the long way home by going north and then east almost all the way to Mt. St. Helens. Had to turn around due to snow on the road but managed to get some spectacular views along the way.

Jay Kreilich did a fantastic job leading several of us from Latus up highway 5, east on highway 14, north on Salmon Falls Road, west on Canyon Creek Road and then up, down and around over 50 miles of backroads before coming out on highway 500 towards Ridgefield. It was such a treat to go on so many unchartered roads, explore the country, and breath in the crisp air. I had a fantastic cup of clam chowder at the Three Peaks Public House. It was extremely creamy, flavorful, and hot and hit the spot on such a cold day.  

After lunch I decided to drive towards the Johnston Ridge Observatory at the Mount St. Helens Monument. I headed north on I-5 then east on 504. What a delight! The road is just chock full of one sweeping curve after another with amazing vistas to boot! There were numerous bodies of water including Silver Lake and the North Fork Toutle River and TONS of snow-capped mountains. The air was crisp and clean and as the road gained elevation the snow on the side of the road became more prominent.

I stopped to take a picture at the Hoffstadt Creek Bride on the edge of the blast zone from Mt. St. Helens. The steel truss bridge is 2,340 feet long and 370 feet high and very geometric in design (see picture). What an adventure to cross this bridge as well as several others on my way towards the observatory. I made it past the Mt. St. Helens Forest Learning Center but not quite to the Johnston Ridge Observatory. Once the snow started covering the center of the road instead of the sides of the road and snowflakes appeared on my windshield I knew it was time to turn around. I feel so blessed to have such a great bike and to live in such a beautiful country.


April 11 - Maiden Voyage as Ride Leader - Coastal Loop the Long Way


April 3 - Mountain and river backroads to and from Goldendale