January 28: Over Hill and Dale from Hagg Lake

Vineyards, valleys, orchards, and lakes – Oregon really has it all. Today’s ride to Hagg Lake and back was even better than I thought it would be. After touring around most of the lake I stumbled upon a scenic ride home that took me over hill and dale through a variety of colorful landscapes on my way back to West Linn.

My main mission today was to finish checking out potential adventure bikes for this summer’s adventure. Having ridden a CB500x and a Royal Enfield yesterday, I knew I wanted to head over the Hillsboro Motosports to check out a Kawaski 650s, the last potential bike on my short list. I figured that since I was going to gear up anyway, I would ride over there and explore nearby Hagg Lake afterwards.

What a delight! Even though there was fog in the air and a mist settling in the forest around me, I could still see beautiful farmland and rolling hills as I headed west from Hillsboro to Scoggins Valley Road. Turning onto SW West Shore Drive, I drank in the view of the glass-like green gently rippling waters of Hagg Lake. Surrounded by colorful patches of rust colored dirt and wrapped in lush blanket of evergreen trees, the lake was both inviting and refreshing and a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the week.

Heading back to Paradise to look at the Royal Enfield one more time I managed to find a delightful Valleys and Vineyards Scenic Drive that took me through the small town of Gaston and numerous local vineyards. As I rode up and down one hill after another and zig zagged my way up a variety of backroads heading east, I was treated to views of colorful orchards, meticulously organized rows of vines, clusters of Christmas tree farms, and a variety of farmhouses and country homes.

I arrived home grateful for the opportunity to do a little planning for this summer’s adventure as well as to experience the beauty of my home state.


February 11: I’m in love! My baby has a little brother.


January 15: It takes a Village