March 6 - Over the pass to Seaside and Pig N Pancake

kathleen terner at seaside.jpeg
Kathleen Terner Bike in front of pig n pancake.jpeg
Kathleen Terner pancakes at pig n pancake.jpeg

What an unexpected surprise! I was up until 4am working on the manuscript and assumed it would be raining today so I slept in until almost noon. When I woke up to sunshine, any thoughts I had of doing housework went out the window. I decided it might finally be safe to head over the pass to Seaside for pancakes and bacon. So I threw on my winter gear and took off for the coast. I have been wanting to ride the curves to Seaside and back for weeks but have held off due to concerns about gravel or ice on the road. After the downright balmy weather we’ve have had for the last week, though, I decided it was worth checking the route out. There was snow on the side of the road near the Saddle Mountain State Natural Area and rain the second half of the way to the coast, but the roads were generally clear. I probably shouldn’t mention this, but I just couldn’t resist letting the throttle rip a little bit. It felt so refreshing to bomb down the road, swoop around the curves, and charge up through the mountain passes. I had my regular order at Pig N Pancake (fresh strawberry crepes with a side of bacon). From there I headed south on Beach Drive like I normally do and parked right on the coast off of Sunset Boulevard. I like that spot because there are logs to sit on at the beach and public restrooms nearby if you need them. I feel so blessed to have a bike and be able to ride it year-round. Thank goodness for electric gear!


March 13 - Horn Public House and Brewery in Depot Bay and the extra long way home


February 28 - Group Ride from Latus and on to Markum Inn