November 10: Fall Colors and Fun with Friends

With partly blue skies, mild weather, and the day off from work, today seemed like the perfect time for Leo Guzman Fernandez and I to head south to visit one of our favorite veterans, Gene Lord. This was the first time all three of us managed to get together since I returned from Europe, so I was especially grateful for this time with friends.

The colors on the ride today were particularly spectacular as so many of the deciduous trees were sporting their fall colors and the evergreen trees were lush and vibrant from the recent rains. As Leo and I headed west on highway 99E along the Willamette River, I got a picture-perfect view of the blue river waters stretching out into the horizon framed on both sides by bursts of red, orange, and yellow.

The air was somewhat chilly with temperatures in the high forties and skies somewhat overcast. But as we headed south on the Canby Marquam Road, the fog cleared, the clouds parted, and the sun shone through. As we headed up one particularly steep hill with farmlands on both sides, I felt as if I was flying up into the welcoming blue sky.

Passing through Silverton, Sublimity, Stayton, and Lebanon we were treated to brilliant green farmlands, grazing herds of cows and sheep, and rolling countryside. Hawks circled lazily above us, birds flew past in a flurry of feathers, and our bikes twisted and swayed as we rounded one corner after another heading south.

Arriving in Creswell, we met up with Gene Lord who was in town for the day doing a fundraiser for his Veterans organization. I was so happy to see Gene as we have not met up in person for several months and it seemed appropriate to spend time with such a special Veteran today. He, Leo, and I laughed over lunch as we traded stories and good-natured jokes. Our bacon ciabatta breakfast sandwiches were perfectly made with runny eggs, creamy Tillamook Cheese, home-cured bacon, and fresh baked bread. What a great day!


December 8: Happy at Hagg Lake


October 21: Fall Fun, Not Fog