Getting Ready for Back to School -At Latus

Kathleen terner in classroom

God works in mysterious ways. Who would have thought my dilemma regarding the best way to do teaching videos online would have been resolved at a Harley Dealership? But that’s exactly what happened. I decided to take last Saturday off from riding so I went to the Latus dealership to get my chaps and jacket repaired. All but two of the snaps on the chaps had fallen off this summer and the jacket had a hole in it. While there I saw Jason Scott McKelley. He was doing filming using this contraption called a gimbal. The cool thing about it is you can put your phone in it, connect the phone to the app, then tell this device to follow you while you do your video. Jason gave me some pointers, I got one on sale, and am totally loving it! I’m able to stand up at the board in my classroom, tell the app to follow my face, then walk back and forth writing on the white board and filming my lesson. I’m not usually much of a technology person. As I told my team this morning, I might have been apprehensive about trying the device if I wasn’t introduced to it by someone with tattoos and biker clothes. But Jason made it look simple. I’m really looking forward to meeting my new students this year and having so many different tools to teach them with.


September 4 - Pendleton and Burns


June 24 - Eagle Creek River