March 11: Beyond the Curtin: Seeking sun and son

What a glorious day! Seeking sun I headed south to the little town of Curtin, discovering one fantastic vista after another – snow-covered mountain peaks popping from the bright blue sky, canopy-covered country roads twisting through the sunshine-covered fields, mouth-watering food, and most importantly of all – precious time with my younger son.

The forecast for this weekend had been for rain and I wasn’t sure until last night whether I would ride today. But my trusty weather app predicted full sun today in Creswell, home to my favorite bakery and I knew I was in for a great day.

As I was famished, I took the most direct route to the bakery, enjoying magnificent views of snow-covered mountains, providing a dramatic backdrop for the bright blue skies above and the green fields below. Cows munched on grass and sheep meandered through fields, seemingly content with the warm sun on their backs.

Once at the bakery I sat in the sun and gorged myself on their delicious bacon-ciabatta breakfast sandwich, dripping with creamy Tillamook Cheese, a runny egg, and topped with home-smoked bacon. The fruit tart was off the charts satisfying today, with a slightly browned cookie dough crust, almond paste filling, and apple and blueberry toppings covered with glaze.

From Creswell I took the Camas Swale Road west, cruising past farmland dotted with barns and filled with flocks of sheep and herds of cows. My favorite part of this route west is the set of hairpin curves twisting and turning through the forest right before Territorial Highway – enough of a hint of Beartooth Pass or Million Dollar Highway to whet my appetite.

Turning left on Territorial highway I enjoyed one delightful curve after another beneath a lush green canopy of trees. I especially like tree-covered country roads with bursts of sun peeking through the foliage and grass and farms off to the side. The ride south through Lorane and into Curtin was just what the doctor ordered after an especially long work week.

The highlight of the day for me was spending time with my precious younger son in Eugene on my way north back to West Linn. I stopped by his college apartment to drop off some fresh baked bread, two fruit tarts, and a fresh roast beef sandwich from the bakery. I so much enjoyed hearing about his entrepreneurial endeavors, learning about the class projects he is working on, and getting a few good hugs in. My heart is full of happiness.


March 18: Meaningful Moments


March 5: On the Road Again