A Day for Gratitude

Today was an important day for me to stop and think of all that I am grateful for. And what better way to do that than while on a bike? As I made my way through the backroads of Oregon to Astoria and then Seaside, I reflected on the sacrifices others have made so that I have the freedom to live the life that I do. My life certainly has not turned out the way I thought it would. But learning to see the good that has come out of difficulties has helped me to experience more joy and hope than I ever thought possible.

The last two and a half years have been full of both challenges and blessings. Surviving throat cancer and a second divorce, learning to teach my high school math students online, and adapting to the ever-changing world we now live in has required more resilience and determination than I knew I had.

But as I have faced fears, stretched as a person, and practiced gratitude I have been able to see how very full and rich my life is. I have also learned that God will always be with me. As Leo Guzman- Fernandez, Dee Dee, and I headed west on highway 30 towards Astoria today I breathed in the fresh clean air and appreciated the beauty of God’s creation and the world around me.

As we followed backroads through Scappoose and Clatskanie, I marveled at the abundance of lush vegetation around me. Mile after mile of rich green canopies enveloped us as we swooped around curves and up and down hills past picturesque barns, farmhouses, and churches. There is something so very magical about barreling through tunnels of evergreen and deciduous trees glistening with drops of water from recent rain while streaks of sun steam down around you.

Stopping to eat in Seaside, we all reflected on how important it is to appreciate friends and family while we have them. I am so very grateful for the wonderful friends I have at work, in my neighborhood, in the motorcycle community, and scattered around the country. Only four years ago I didn’t even have my motorcycle endorsement. I never would have guessed that I would be blessed to count so many bikers as true friends. Just this weekend Grant Myers graciously helped me with electrical work in my home and Leo, his wife Carmen, and I were able to spend several enjoyable hours at their home planning their summer trip.

After returning from my ride today I was able to touch bases briefly with my older son before he headed out for the evening. Although he will be leaving for San Francisco soon I will be welcoming my younger son home from college for the summer shortly thereafter. I am so lucky to have my family relatively nearby and am especially grateful that online learning and working remotely have made it possible for me to have extra time with all three children at home the last two years. Although I don’t know what the future holds, I do know that I am blessed beyond measure.


Natures Beauty at its Best


A Chapter Ride for the Books