August 7: So Pretty in Slovenia

There’s something so darn appealing about Slovenia. Perhaps it’s because I have family roots in the area, but from the moment I first entered the country a few weeks ago I felt right at home. The clean air, lush green trees, surrounding mountains, and churches on every corner are part of what made me decide to loop back through here on my way back to Germany.

Arriving in Maribor yesterday afternoon, I rode along the Drava River that separates the town into two halves, taking in the picturesque view of white stucco and red tiled buildings with spires reaching to the sky peeking through the blue steel arches of the Titov Bridge.

After dropping off my bags, I walked along the riverfront past two of the towers that used to anchor the city walls that protected the city from Ottoman invasions. Just west of the rustic red Glavni Bridge I came to a little yellow building with the world’s oldest vine growing between the upper and lower floor windows, a wrought iron fence protecting the Guinness Book of World Record vegetation’s roots from harm.

After walking to three restaurants in a row that had closed without warning for the night, I finally lucked upon LaPizza Ria, an unassuming eatery on a street corner overlooking one of the main city squares.

My Mediterraneo Salad with fresh grilled Salmon added on top ended up being one of the best meals of summer. With couscous, chickpeas, goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, mint, dried figs, a balsalmic reduction, and a yogurt with herb dressing the dish was both savory and sweet as well as nutritious. I dipped the homemade bread I was given in the dressing for dessert, and it hit the spot.

This morning, I continued west in Slovenia towards one of my favorite destinations of all this summer – the lakeside city of Bled. Passing deep green rolling hills and little hamlets clustered in valleys, I passed the capitol city of Ljubljana before turning north and treating myself to a visage of the towering limestone cliffs of the Julian Alps on the horizon.

Arriving in Bled, I stocked up on snacks at the market, got some homemade ice cream at the Old Parrish House, and gazed out at the shimmering green-blue lake waters below me, reflecting on how lucky I was to revisit this jewel of a destination.



August 8: Slovenia Stuns


August 6: Hungary: Some of My Favorite Things