August 9: So Long Slovenia

So long Slovenia! Today’s ride took me from the delightful lakeside town of Bled past Slovenia’s capital city and on to Italy. As I bid goodbye to the Balkan Region where I have traveled the last several weeks, I reflected on how grateful I was to have spent time in so many new and memorable places.

Of all the destinations I’ve visited this summer, Bled is one of the villages where I feel most at home. Eating my dinner of beef soup with homemade dumplings last night on the balcony of a small eatery just steps from my lodging, I could hear the church bells pealing a few blocks away and the rain drops falling on the awning above me. I breathed in the fresh air and reflected on how much I enjoyed hiking and rafting in the surrounding hills earlier in the day.

This morning, after eating fresh yogurt with homemade raspberry jam and a light and flavorful ham and vegetable omelet at the Old Parish House, I stepped out on the porch to look at the stunning bright turquoise waters of Lake Bled framed by lush deciduous and evergreen trees one more time before hitting the road.

As I made my way past the capital of Ljubljana and west towards Italy, I appreciated the clean, smog-free air, bright blue skies, rolling green foothills, and villages nestled in the clefts of valleys that seem to characterize much of this captivating country.

Passing into northeastern Italy, the landscape became agricultural, with dozens of vineyards and crops of corn lining both sides of the road. Temperatures rose and I was grateful for my cooling vest.

Turning off onto SP510 I headed north towards Iseo, a charming medieval town on the banks of Lake Iseo that boasts a delightful pedestrian area paved with cobblestones and full of restaurants and little shops. Turning down the tree-lined street leading to town, I could see the shimmering light blue lake waters in front of me surrounded by mountains on all sides.

I couldn’t help thinking of my Facebook Friend Simon Foxley, who not only lives nearby but also gave so generously of his time as I was planning this summer’s trip. As an avid motorcyclists and world-wide traveler, Simon was able to impart invaluable advice about weather and road conditions as well as recommendations for picturesque towns in the Balkans, many of which turned out to be some of my favorite stops.

Although he is now out of town, I hope we can connect eventually so I can thank him for his kindness. I will raise a toast to him tonight as I enjoy what I hope will be a delicious Italian dinner.



August 10: Italy to Switzerland: What a Ride!


August 8: Slovenia Stuns