June 29: R and R on the African Coast

What a relaxing time at the beach! After riding through the desert and mountain areas of Africa it only seemed fitting to visit the coast as well. From my rustic accommodations in a small surfing town south of Essaouira I have been able to dip my toes in the north Atlantic Ocean, explore the local tidepools, enjoy traditional food from a small seaside café, relax in the garden while reading a book, and pet the owner’s cat and donkeys.

Although the highlight of summer is always my time on the road, part of the adventure for me is stopping occasionally to take in my surroundings. Traveling west through the desert the last few days, it occurred to me that I might never have another opportunity to relax on the western coast of Africa. So, I added a night to my visit here, giving me a full day off the bike at the beach.

The small hotel I am staying at is a beautifully designed white stucco structure surrounded by colorful gardens. From my room I can see the ocean through a delightful set of windows shaped like the rays of a sun.

The owner’s cat has taken up residence in the garden directly in front of my door and has visited me several times to get some attention. His horses and donkeys are also located near my room and one of the donkeys in particular seems to enjoy getting scratched behind his ears.

As I am writing now, I can hear the adhan (one of the daily calls to prayer) playing on speakers outside accompanied by the sounds of birds chirping, the sea breeze blowing, and the waves crashing.

It has been wonderful to take in so many of the relaxing aspects of this quaint little town. After arriving yesterday, I strolled to the small market area to buy some water and snacks and then enjoyed a traditional Moroccan meal at a seaside café just steps from my door. From there I walked out onto the sand to watch the sun set in the ocean, its yellow and orange orb reflecting on the waters.

After a delicious meal with Morroccan tea on the beach today, I explored the tidepools and walked along the shore, taking in both the natural beauty as well as the uniqueness of my surroundings. I have been to many beaches around the world offering horse rides for tourists but have to say I have never seen camels available for hire as well.

Tomorrow I will head north, feeling revitalized from this time of rest and relaxation.


June 30: Say Hello to Seas of Blue


June 28: My, oh my Marrakesh!