June 17: Backroad Wonders in France

Today’s ride through northern France from Luxembourg to Morges, Swizerland to see my grandmother was chock full of twisty backroads through densely forested areas, little country lanes winding around freshly plowed fields, and narrow village roads nestled between flower covered stone buildings.

Leaving Dudelange this morning, the air was crisp and cool and little rain drops freshened the air. As I navigated through the little town’s roundabouts on my way out, I reflected on how friendly the townspeople had been the night before, with the hotel clerk helping me with my bags and the locals walking me to the neighborhood ATM machine.

After a couple hours of expressway driving to get some miles under my belt, I breathed a sigh of relief when I turned off onto smaller side roads around Lure.  As the path narrowed significantly, the surface became rather bumpy, and the speed limit dropped, cars thinned out and it became possible to really take in all of the sights.

I’ve always been a sucker for old stone buildings covered with brights shades of red and purple flowers and I found myself stopping to admire one little village street after another. The partially stucco-covered walls with exposed beams next to little drinking fountains and locally owned eateries reminded me of Bursins, the small Swiss town I spent many summers in years ago.

At several points I thought perhaps my GPS was leading me down a dead end as the road was so narrow it didn’t seem possible for two-way traffic to pass. But then a moment later a little car would come buzzing around the corner reassuring me that I really was on a through street.

Riding up and over little bridges spanning rivers and ponds and then twisting my way up and over hilly terrain, I passed sheep, cows, and horses grazing in their fields and wildflowers blowing in the wind. As I neared Morges, I began to see the French Alps in the distance, their snow-capped peaks rising up into the clouds.

Sitting here in my grandmother’s home sipping hot chamomile tea while she rests next to me, I am feeling grateful for all of the opportunities I have been blessed with today.


June 18: Treasured Time


June 16: Adventure, Baby!