June 19: And Where R U Going? Andorra!

Wow! When I looked at the map a few weeks ago and decided make time for a detour to the small country of Angorra, I had no idea my ride there from Ille Sur Tet, France would end up being one of the most visually stunning and technically appealing of the year. As I turned and twisted up and over one mountain pass after another through tiny villages and past vast meadows filled with wildflowers blowing in the wind, I couldn’t keep the grin off my face.

When my ferry to Africa was canceled the night before my flight to Europe I did not have much in the way of time to plan an alternate route south to a different port of call. So, when I headed out this morning to go to Andorra, all I knew about my route was that my navigation app predicted it would take me two and a half hours to go the 88 miles to the little country sandwiched between France and Spain.

Heading west on N116, the small country road twisted and turned along the foothills of the mountains, oftentimes sporting a short stone wall with a rather precipitous drop off on the side. As I shifted my body left and right to lean into the curves and maintain the proper speed for mile after wonderous mile, I wondered if local residents ever got seasick rushing to and from work in neighboring villages.

Passing through dozens of hamlets, I slowed to take in the old brick and stone buildings, local eateries, and residents strolling along the narrow sidewalks lining the pathway.

Passing through the Pyrenees Regional Park, I gained elevation and was treated to one of the most spectacular mountain views ever. Multiple layers of green and blue rolling foothills clustered underneath the bright blue sky filled with cotton-candy like whisps of clouds framed the little mountain road snaking its way up to the wildflower-filled meadow at the top.

Descending down the other side, I could see more mountains off in the distance, towering over fields and farmlands. Continuing on the N-260 and then the N-145 I headed north into Andorra, where I briefly filled up with gas before heading south into Spain.

As I traveled four hundred miles south to Jamilla, Spain I took in a variety of landscapes as vistas of rich vineyards gradually changed to views of the more arid south with red and honey colored dirt and sand. What a great day on the bike!


June 20: Idyllic Inland


June 18: Treasured Time